Why Are Parents Doing Their Happy Dance?

It’s Back to School for all your kids!
You all love your kids and you all will do anything to see them feel proud of themselves and happy, but it seems like those last three weeks of summer just drag on.
Michelle Sturiale, our PTO chair shared the cartoon below at the PTO meeting on the first day of school. Which dance were you doing as you dropped of your child on the first day back to school?
Seriously though, there is something about getting back into routines and predictable schedules that provide some relief and have a calming effect on most families.
The structure of routines is especially helpful for LD kids.
Two routines to establish (if you haven’t already)
- Prep the night before
- Pack lunch/snack (or place your order for My Green Lunch!)
- Pack backpack with binder, homework, any needed books or other notes)
- Lay out clothes for next day (including socks, underwear, shoes and even hair clips)
- Morning routine checklist
- Create a simple morning routine checklist, laminate it and put it on a clipboard with dry erase marker so your child can easily check things off as completed each morning
- The checklist can include words/images/icons for morning tasks such as brush teeth and hair, eat breakfast, get dressed, make your bed, get your backpack (that was packed the night before)
Want more ideas? Check out this blog http://organizingmadefun.blogspot.com/2012/09/organizing-101-back-to-basics-morning.html
And keep on dancing!