Impact & Outcomes

Sand Hill School Outcome Data 2019-2020

At Sand Hill School, students thrive and parents are involved and satisfied. Take a look at our outcomes.

of students achieved grade level benchmark or above for reading skills.
(National average: 71%)

of students scored at grade level benchmark or above for math achievement.
(National average: 71%)

Social Emotional Learning
of parents believe their child has a sense of belonging at Sand Hill.

Thumbs Up
of our families believe that Sand Hill teaching styles match their child’s learning style.

We have a personalized plan for every student.

What parents are saying about Sand Hill School

“My child has made significant progress academically….”

“Exactly what she needs.”

“He is learning so much more about learning, rather than just absorbing facts.”

“I feel relieved that my child gets to go to Sand Hill School.”


“He loves the small classrooms.”

“My daughter has blossomed in confidence at Sand Hill.”